Vini Scirto


On the northern slopes of Sicily’s epic volcano Etna, Giuseppe Scirto and Valeria Franco tend 4 hectares of vines at 600-1,000 meters above sea level. Carricante, nerello mascalese, and nerello cappuccio planted between 1900 and 1930 in black volcanic sand and pumice soils work a slow magic. Working organically in the vineyards and with radical minimalism in the cellar, they bring forth wild and lively wines; guided by their own intuition, the teachings of Giuseppe’s grandfather, and a primal respect for their untamable terroir.

Vini Scirto 2018 "A'Culonna" Etna Rosso DOC

Grapes for “A‘Culonna” grow in a vineyard at 600 meters above sea level, in contrada Feudo di Mezzo, where the soil is rich in pumice and also quite stony. The vines here also average 80 years in age and the makeup is similar to their IGT rosso with approximately 85% nerello mascalese and 15% nerello cappuccio cofermented each year. As with all wines the fermentation is spontaneous, with an extended maceration of 30-35 days before an elevage of 24 months in stainless steel. No sulfur is added at bottling and no fining or filtration takes place at any time.

  • 2018
  • Nerello Mascalese, Nerello Capuccio
  • DOC
  • Italy
  • Sicily
  • Etna Rosso DOC
  • Practicing Organic
  • Black volcanic sand and pumice stone
  • Stainless steel
  • Stainless steel
  • 750 ml

822 Salisbury Turnpike - Milan, New York - 12571 | 845-266-0376 | |