Karl Haidle
Württemberg | Stetten
“There’s a change coming. Württemberg is getting more and more interesting. We’re right in the middle of it,” says Moritz Haidle. It only takes a few minutes in his company to feel his sparking energy and ideas. But to stand in his vineyards, walk the old-cask-lined cellar built into the very hill those vineyards climb, and above all taste through his extraordinary, ever more focused, dynamic, and expressive wines is all the convincing you’ll need.
Karl Haidle 2016 Pulvermächer Riesling Grosses Gewächs
Mortiz claims that these are some of the oldest riesling vines in Stetten, “at least 50-years-old;” the clonal selection is unknown, if they are even clones. The soil here is “Kieselsandstein,” a mixture of pebbles, sandstone with quartz binded with silicic acid. It is a monumental Grosses Gewächs, and a great dry riesling. It’s full-bodied, rich and juicy. There are grapefruit and tropical aromas interplayed with mint, lemon curd and “sweet” tannins.
- 2016
- Riesling
- Grosses Gewächs
- Germany
- Württemberg
- Remstal
- Organic
- Pulvermächer
- Pebbles, sandstone with quartz binded with pebble and silicic acid
- 9 months stückfass
- Stückfass
- 3.4
- 750 ml
822 Salisbury Turnpike - Milan, New York - 12571 | 845-266-0376 | https://schatziwines.com | info@schatziwines.com